Starting first new saltwater tank -shaking

doni o'neal

New Member
I am fixing to start a new tank42wx24dx34h(how many gallons is that?)I have never built one in my life.Structure i am planning on using 3/4"clear plexi-glassput together with aguarium silicne.What do most people use -it has to be these dimensions because I have it in my wall which is in the center of my living room you will be able to see through the aquarium.Where is a good source for info. on starting your first saltwater tank?For dummies I might add.


Active Member
You came to the place without alot of us willing to help!
Well, if this is your first build and it's in your wall, I would be shaking too!!!!!
You need to find somewhere that works with acrylic and talk to them about the type your going to need and the best way to bond it for strenght. I'm getting about 150 gallons out of your measurment. Thats about 1200 lbs of just water. Thats alot of weight and pressure.
Seriously, talk and search about this. You CAN do it, but research is going to be very important.
I don't think silicone will work. You have to use a product that bonds it. Not 100% sure on that but..........


i agree with the other guys.. you gotta do a lot of research.
your tank is about 130 gallons, and that is about 1200 lbs of water alone.
you have to use thick strong glass..
also, you have to make sure that your wall can support that kind of weight..


Plexi-glass tanks aka acrylic have to be bonded chemically using a special glue. Silicone will not work except maybe on much smaller tanks, such as 20 gallons or less, if that. Acrylic is a good choice for a tank that size, but the seams have to be almost perfect for the glue to bond them properly. That thickness of acrylic is quite sufficient I would think.


What gregzbobo said is true, silicone will not work for this application. Silicone does not bond at all to acrylic. It will add no structural support to the tank. It can be used as a gasket only on tanks which have a solid frame constructed, and the glass installed in a window like fashion.
Silicone does however bond to glass, and will actually hold the panels together.
If you are going to construct the tank out of acrylic, use a product called "Weldon 4". This solvent will literally weld the acrylic to itself, and if done correctly, the seams of your tank will be just as strong as the acrylic panels.
IMO 3/4" acrylic may be a little over kill for the length and height you are planning. But if that's what you have, go for it. But the thicker the acrylic, the harder it is to get perfect bubble free seams.
As stated before, this is a pretty big first time DIY project:) You will need to build jigs to hold the panels in place, and the application and curing of the solvent must be done in a specific manner, in a set amount of time. As long as your willing to do your research first though, and take your time, you'll end up with a great tank and the pride of knowing you made it yourself:)
If you have any specific questions, just ask. There are plenty of knowledgeable people here.

doni o'neal

New Member
Thanks guys for all the imput.This is on the first floor aand actually it is a wall I built myself to divide my living room into.I have a very big living room25x70.The wall is 24"deep with a big arch and coloumns and my soon to be aquarium visible from both sides I will do more research on what to build tank out of ,I can go with glass just as easy I get it fairly cheap I have an acct.with a co.Glass or or plexi that is the question.:rolleyes:


Active Member
Ugh, buy one. Because the amount of money it will cost to build is similar. And if you aren't an engineer, when it breaks, you will be spending more to buy a premade tank anyway. :D