starting out HELP!!!!

chris s

I have just started building a huge aquarium. i found two broken 55 gallon tanks and used silicon to put them together to make one 110 gallon tank. it is 8 ft long and i dont know what to do for filtration and lighting. i have had a 29 gallon for about 6 months, so I kind of have the jist of haveing a saltwater tank. the biggest problem I am running in to is that i cant get the two 55 gallon tanks to seal togeather. i made a stand and sealed all of the edges then covered the edges with a two inch strip of glass. Then i sealed around the glass but I still cant get it hold water. Am I wasting time and money on this? Please Help! thanks

chris l

I for one personally think you wasting your time but that is just me. As far as filtration and lighting you should let us know what your are planning on keeping in this setup. If your plan is to keep a reef tank, don't cheat and buy cheap. Lighting I would just go ahead and buy halides right away and save yourself some time and money later down the road. Just my 2 cents. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Active Member
I think your heading for a big wattery mess. A 8ft long tank needs a lot thicker glass than the glass used on a 55g tank. Even if it does seal up the glass will have to much preasure on it and will crack and break someday. This is JMO but I truely believe it's not a wise idea.

chris s

thanks for all your input. but I am just hell bent on doing this. i have made a frame around the tank with 2x4's and put one in the middle, it is also conected in the middle of the top of the tank. i plan on having tangs or some kind of fish along those lines and also coral. i was thinking of using 2 blue atinic 4' balbs and 2 50/50 blue atinic balbs for lighting. is this enough? and how much lighting do i need.


Active Member
I would love to see some pics of this before it is set up. Oh you probally don't have a digital camera yet do you? Sorry this is just a little hard to believe. :D


Active Member
Chris please don't think I'm flaming you, that is not my intension. There are just some people who post things that are not true just to get a rise out of people.