starting over need some help


For the past year and a half my tank was severly neglected. everything died including the live rock (still purple). I started completly over by buying new sand, filter media, clening etc... . I kept what used to be 80 lbs. of live rock, and I was wondering how long it would take to house enough bacteria to act as a biological fiter for my tank? My tank is 55 gal. with two large mechanical filters, an medium size protien skimmer, and a canaster filter with ceramics w/ output to a bio-wheel. also have two large and one medium sized power heads. And three 40 watt. florescent bulbs (bulbs are two and half yrs old, can they go bad?) Want a reef tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by rosco
bulbs are two and half yrs old, can they go bad?

For a FO or FOWLR, any lighting is fine.
It sounds like you will be starting all over with a new cycle, anyway. During that process, your rocks/sand will provide a good place for new bacteria to grow. If you're looking for more life, maybe you could invest in a piece or two of cured LR. And...


Active Member
If your rock is still purple, then the coraline algae is still alive - and I suspect that the bacteria on the rock is alive too. Regardless, adding a piece or two of cured live rock will help kickstart the rebuild process for you. As for the bulbs, they are fine for a fish only tank (or fish only with live rock). If you are looking to go reef, you'll probably want to upgrade to power compacts, VHOs, or metal halides.


I do understand the the push for the upgrade in lighting but these lights promoted growth in many of my previous corals, nothing major just a few brains, mushrooms, and a flower pot. I guess my question should be do certain spectrums of light die out before others causing what seems to be normal light, insufficant to give whats required to a coral?