Starting Over Questions


New Member
Well, after several years of a 90gal FOWLR+inverts (and a colony of shrooms) I had to tear down the tank and move half way across the country. Now I am starting over with a full blown reef tank. I have a 10gal set up that will be my quarentine with some live rock cooking. My 90 will be installed into my wall so the front will be flush, by brother (who is much handier than I) will help me with that in Oct. I have a 55 that will be the sump/fuge. I now have a 2x250MH with 2x96 compacts for lights. I would like to have a blend of SPS and softies.
The question I have is what is the best order to add the livestock? I don't want to many fish, really a Purple and Hippo Tang along with a clownfish and a fun goby. But I would like to have a mix of SPS and mostly mushrooms. What is the best order to add these? Or does it not matter.
I hope to add some photos of the process. Thanks for any support!


Welcome to the boards and welcome back to the hobby.
Here is how I would set up the system.
1. Get it up and running. Get through the cycle
2. After tank is cycled add the inverts.
3. Wait a bit and then add the clownfish.
4. Maybe wait a week and then add some mushrooms.
5. Keep an eye on the tank parameters and let things go for a bit.
6. Could then start adding other corals and the goby.
Some things to think about before adding any tangs to your system. The general recommendation for tank size to raise a healthy tang is to have a 6ft tank because they need lots of swimming room and a lot of LR because they will be continually grazing on the algae. The hippo tang is going to get really large and I myself would not attempt it in a 90G. You will find much debate in this area. My thinking would be if you were dead set on adding a tang make it a yellow tang or a kole tang. Instead of adding a tang I would check into some kind of dwarf angel or a reef safe wrasse though.
Best of luck and ask away for the questions.