starting over

I've been running a 55 setup for about 2 1/2 years now. Unfortunately, I was running it in ignorance - very infreqent water changes and tests, no skimmer, aand several other things. About 6 months ago, I began having problems with hair algae growth (I know now that the nitrates were a BIG factor), so my LFS told me to add a sailfin tang to eat the algae. Long story short, he brought ick with him, and wiped out all of my fish but 2 damsels. It was a bad experience, but has prompted me to do a lot homework, which I should have done a long time ago (thanks to this board for all the info that is available - Beths FAQ on QT's was invaluable). A bright side is that I have the opportunity to start over without having to buy new eqipment.
I have a few questions:
1) My existing tank was bought used thirdhand, and has some scratches and the silicone is deteriorating. I figure that this is the perfect time to buy a new tank to replace the old one. Anything I need to be careful of when I switch out? I am resisting the temptation to increase tank size because I already have equipment (stand, canopy, etc.) for this one.
2) Existing tank has a 3 chamber wet/dry (external overflow) with bio-balls. I have oredered an AquaC Urchin in sump skimmer (example of something I should have done a long time ago). The tank has a sand base of about 2 inches, but I am going to add sand to get a true DSB to go with the 65 pounds of LR. When I do this, should I continue to use the bio-balls, or is it possible to remove the bio-balls and to turn the wet/dry into a refugium (this is what I'd really like to do)? If so, how do I do this?
3) Lighting. I've searched this forum, and have learned quite a few things about lighting, but still don't know what to do. Right now, I'm running standard NO fluorescents (sp?). I definitely want to upgrade. I still plan to have mainly fish in the tank, but would like to try keeping a few corals and anemones. The types of fish I plan to include are (and please feel free to point out any problems with fish selection):
Flame Hawk
2 clowns
cleaner wrasse
tang of some sort (undecided at this time)
dwarf angel (possibly flame)
Lawnmower Blenny
royal gramma
Maybe a Copper-banded Butterfly
I'm leaning towards a VHO retrofit, but would like to be able to add MH at a later date if I ever decide to go reef. Would a 2 bulb VHO system work, or should I go 3 or even 4? Or should I consider PC? Where should I look for this equipment?
Sorry about the long post. Thanks for bearing with it, and for any help/suggestions. Feel free to e-mail me at
Thanks again!


Active Member
Welcome to the Forum!
Sounds like you have a good plan going.
A couple things.
Did you ever use copper in your tank when your fish had ich? If you did not use copper you can reuse your sand. Add another 2-4inches of sand to have a dsb.
Use RO/DI or distilled water, this will help with the algae.
If you want to use the bioballs in your current filter to recycle the the new tank you can do that, then if you want to turn it into a refugium (I know people have done it but I do not know the specifics) you remove the bioballs slowly so the tank can adjust to the removal of that type of biological filtration.
As far as lighting goes, if you want to keep corals then you should look into the type you want to keep. Most people wish they had gone much bigger the first time around with lighting.
I would not put that many fish in a 55gal. The standard rule is 1 inch of fish per 5gallons of water, that would mean in a 55gal you can put in 11inches of fish. Find out the max growth of the fish you want to keep the most and stock it that way. you will have much fewer problems all around if you do not overstock.
Good luck, I am redoing most of my tank also.


couple of things. LOL
3rd hand tank seals are letting go .
GET A NEW TANK before you get flooded and if you have the funds go bigger youll be better off but a 55 gallon willmake a nice tank.
if you get a new tank this is what I would do especially if there is no fish in the tank at the moment..
completely start over so that everything is done better.
go a 4-6 inch sand bed. and just scrape all but the top 1" or so of your current bed. reson since you say that you really havent done all that much water change etcc. then you probably have a lot of build up that is in the sand and you really dont want to carry over to a new tank setup.
Scrap the bioballs you sand bed and your LR will get the filtration that you are looking for. as far as the refuge I dont know most add a seperate tank that has less flow going through it that drains into the sump rather than a 2 in 1 type setup.
what type of tank are you looking for will determine what type of lighting you are going to need if you want corals then you are going to need Very High Output lights Power Compacts or even Metal Halide lighting but really depends on what type of critters you want. but with just fish the NO lights work fine.
Fish list
Flame Hawk
2 clowns
cleaner wrasse
tang of some sort (undecided at this time)
dwarf angel (possibly flame)
Lawnmower Blenny
royal gramma
Maybe a Copper-banded Butterfly

ditch the cleaner wrasse it will not live long there wont be
enough of its diet in your tank for long term survival
Tangs in a 55 gallon are debatable IMO its a little small for a growing tang. but if that what you are wanting look towards a tank size increase so it will have the room long term that you need for them. also if you have to have one find a smaller species like a yellow the naso,s and such get way to big for a 55 gallon tank.
LMB(lawnmower bleeny) will need green algae in its diet some wont change over to dryed foods mine wont touch the stuff so make sure it will adapt to prepared foods before you get it then you wont have a problem getting it to eat.
copper-band butterfly...... if you want corals then this one is iffy and the one that I had never started to eat they are good at eating apistia anemones but if you ont have those then you might have a problem getting it to eat as well.
dwarf angels I like the coral beuty but I have never had a flame angel so I cant tell you about that one. royal gramma is another I have never had so.
the 2 clown are a good choice though what type are you look at some are more aggressive than others are.