starting over


New Member
We are starting all over again after a disease wiped out most of our fish but none of our inverts. We still have 2 clowns and a coral beauty how is sick now. Down the road we would like to replace our emperor angel and the brown tang. My question is a powder brown tang better than a powder blue tang? We where told that blue tangs can get aggressive to other blue fish. We are also looking at a cleaner wresses. Is this a good fish to get and can we get 2? Other fish suggestions are welcome.


I don't know about the tangs but you can get two cleaner wrasses. They are active and peaceful parisite eaters.


i like the powder blue tangs, and they are normally peacefull, but i don't think either one would be a problem. hope this helps


My condolences on your wipeout--been there.
In my opinion the brown tangs are hardier than the blues--although I don't think either are very aggressive(except maybe to each other)As far as suggestions on other fish -well how big is your tank? If you buy large specimens of the emperor and tang try some complimentary smaller fish like a lemonpeel angel or some of the smaller wrasses like the flasher or fairy.
[This message has been edited by Kris (edited 04-12-2000).]


New Member
The tank is a 75 gal. The we are looking at a juvenile emperor and a med tang to raplace the lost ones. We are also looking for 1 or 2 other small or med size fish. We have lots of rocks and inverts. we want a good game plan before our restart. If you have a good addition we will appreciate it.