Starting pico...

nano reefer

Active Member
I want to start a little pico tank for my mom as a birthday gift coming soon, after she sees mine she always wanted one of her own but didn't want the maintenance. She lives close so i can go over every week to make sure everything is ok. About 3-4 gallons. It would be interesting if i could make a mini sump with a 2.5 gallon tank for filtration. For corals i will just do some fragging to start. A clown goby would be the fish of choice. A skunk shrimp too. But i want MH in this bad boy. Enough to handle a maxima clam(she wont shut up about mine) and some SPS (she wouldn't be satisfied for a lesser coral). What lighting should i get? Is it even possible to run MH that small? If it is what bulb should i get. Oh yeah, i need Actinics/PC's too. Is there a fixture with Mh and Actinic/PC?


If she's disinterested in maintenance, are you sure a pico is the way to go? At any rate, I don't think MH are possible on a tank that small. Imagine the evaporation!


Active Member
Why wouldnt you do atleast a 10g since you are only going to be there once a week. The evaporation would be crazy and the salt lvl would go through the roof.


Active Member
I agree, way too small! maybe you would consider a jbj nano. they have 6 & 12 gal I believe the 12 has a mh upgrade. I have the 24gal and I love it!

nano reefer

Active Member
buying another cube and stocking it would be way too much. Limited budget here. And, i think she wouldn't mind putting putting in a splash of water each morning with food.


Weekly maintenance is fine AS LONG AS SHE KNOWS TO TOP OFF!!!!
Salinity spikes are your only real concerns IF you dont house fish. If you have fish, things will die.
Also, tell your mom to put the top on if she isn't around. That will cut back on the evaporation SIGNIFICANTLY.
Good luck, I think people overreact on the 3 gal thing. I have had mine for over a month, and with soft corals, inverts and LR, this tank is EASY to maintain.
That is, as long as you have previous experience. Just set a side a gallon of RO for her and tell her to top off as needed. Teach her how to use a hydrometer, and she should have fun.

matt b

Active Member
the 2gal on melevs only has PC
a 32w PC 50/50 bulb over the frags. The light fixture is too large, and it is tempting to just use a 5100K refugium bulb instead. I've not made up my mind yet.