Starting to add fish- Suggestions


Ok we have a 75G is has been cycled and is ready to add fish. Any suggestions on what we should start with and stay away from? We will eventually make this a reef tank, but to begin it is only fish.

debbie g

toni, why don't you go through a few books..."The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" perhaps, and find the fish that you just HAVE to have, that you are confident you can keep happy, then work any other fish you like around him.
It gives you a point one to start with I think. Good Luck :)
Debbie G


I've heard alot of people don't like damsels because they can be aggressive. We thought about adding these just to start because they are so cheap, and then returning them to the LFS once we are sure they survive. Any ideas of other fish to start with?



Originally posted by Toni
I've heard alot of people don't like damsels because they can be aggressive. We thought about adding these just to start because they are so cheap, and then returning them to the LFS once we are sure they survive. Any ideas of other fish to start with?

They will be hard to catch. I have heard of people having to remove all of their live rock just to catch them. I would get a couple of occelaris clowns. They are hardy and have so much personality.


I would go with a Yellow or Purple tang. Maybe even a regal. Get you a good blennie for some algae help and they are fun to watch. Clowns are always nice. Royal Gramma is nice and colorful. Theres a few suggestions.



Originally posted by Toni
I've heard alot of people don't like damsels because they can be aggressive. We thought about adding these just to start because they are so cheap, and then returning them to the LFS once we are sure they survive. Any ideas of other fish to start with?

U if u want cheap u can get green chromis. They are like $4-5 each and if u get 7 or more they will school. they r not the most colorful things ever but they can help u start the tank and make sure they will servive b4 u get the more expensive fish. plus they are pretty hardy.


Definitely dont get damsels... I made the mistake of buying two blue damselfish to help cycle my tank, but I didnt realize how EXTREMELY aggressive they are. I took the really stupid route and bought the two biggest ones my lfs had (they had bold colors so I figured them the healthiest), and as soon as they were introduced all heck broke lose. Within two days the smaller one was looking ragged and always hides from the bigger one. I shouldve listened to the guys here on the board!!!

I have no clue what I should do with them after my cycle is finished - Im afraid to add any other fish to my tank. Still, I dont want to return them to the fls to suffer the same fate again. Maybe this is a good excuse for another tank...