Starting to think about fish...


New Member
I am begining to set up my 55 gallon. I have had it set up/cycling for 16 days. I have some base rock in there but no live rock yet. I hope to get some live rock in the next week or so. I'm going real slow and taking my time to learn everything! *L*
I have a 4 yr old daughter and a 5 yr old son. They both LOVE Nemo. Does anyone know what kind of fish the different characters were??? I know Nemo was a clown, but what kind? What about Dory? And the others?? I want to read up on the fish so i can see if i might be able to have one or 2 in my tank.
Anyways, I had been looking at some fish in a book and on some web sites. I have started a short list of fish that I think look interesting. Here is a list of fish that I would like some 'expert' advice on! Now this list is not my 'official fish list'. It is a list of fish that caught my eye and I need some more/REAL LIFE info on. Can any of these live in a 55 gallon tank? Any too aggressive? Any that should be in pairs? any have tough feeding requirements? What other fish would work well with some of these? What else should I consider???
Citron Clown Goby
Royal Gramma
Ocellaris Clown False Percula
Bicolor angel (dwarf)
Now it will be awhile before I start buying fish.. just starting to dream!


I think you should get a pair of Clowns. Dori is a Tang and they do not fit in 55 gallons happily.


Jawfish are nice but need a deep sand bed.
manderin fish need to have a lot of Live rock and need to be introduced into an established tank.
Dwarf angels are good for 55's but some pick at corals.
All the other fish would be fine except add them slowly.
You could also add shrimp, starfish, and other animals to give the tank a nice alive look.
Your also going to need a cleanup crew of snails and some hermits to keep algae away.
Just remember to take it slow and research research.


Active Member
Nemo: Percula Clown Fish
Dory: Regal Tang
After cycling Nemo will do fine in your setup. Stay away from Dory. They're hard even for the most serious aquarist. Any of the firefish, jawfish, gobies will do fine.
Pick up a copy of the Conciencious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner. It will help you out a lot.
Don't let your desire to give your children a Nemo adventure without the research. Or, you'll be explaining why things die quicker than you want.
Good Luck and keep asking questions.



Originally posted by jumpfrog
Nemo: Percula Clown Fish
Dory: Regal Tang

I could have sworn Dory was a Blue Hippo tang....which also wouldn't work in a 55 gallon.
The other fish in the main tank in the dentist office (which was way overstocked btw and had too many tacky freshwater decorations in it to really be saltwater) were:
Yellow tang (not good for a 55 gallon)
Porc Puffer (not good for a 55 gallon)
Royal Gamma (would work in a 55)
a Moorish Idol (Gill) (don't have good success rates in captivity, definately a no for a 55 gallon)
And then that little striped fish who I couldn't figure out if she was a damsel or an angel.
I would go with two nemos, false perculas, get a mated pair if you can. Just make sure you take everything slowly and let the tank fully establish, nothing is worse than having your kids come tell you that Nemo and Marlin died :(
Actually, Lionstorm, Blue Hippo Tangs and Regal Tangs are one and the same, they are just two different names for the species.