Starting up 12G cube again



So i forgot about my cube from a few months ago. I dont know what the salinity is right now, The pH is 8.4, the ammonia is 0 and same with the nitrite. The nitrate is unknown at this point. I basicly had this tank with a bit of Live rock sand and 3 dead snails left for 4 months. I just took the snails out and it looks as though the cycle is completled, if i make sure the salinity is correct and make make sure the nitrates are stable and there a safe level is it safe to add some sort of creature (keeping in mind that there is a fair bit of algea) Also what is the safe level of salinity.


Active Member
I've heard the ph changes through out the day, but 8.2 is what it should be. Still unsure if the ph changes all that much, so I don't worry about it though. If you have some hair algae, I'd get a crab that'll eat that algae stuff. Maybe some snails too. I'd also get some more live rock as soon as possible, JMO.


Is a ph of 8.4 still safe to add a hardy invert or fish? Also, can ghost shrimp survive in salt water?


i just turned 15, and i just kinda left it there....i was really busy and over the summer and the start of school, alot of ---- came up and i just...well...left it there...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MetalHead
Is a ph of 8.4 still safe to add a hardy invert or fish? Also, can ghost shrimp survive in salt water?
Ghost shrimp are feeder shrimp. I don't think you'd want those, and I wouldn't put any sw shrimp in there till you know your salinity. I'd get some crabs and snails, they're pretty hardy.


Kk i just soaked my hydrometer with vinigar for a hour, i rinced it then mesured it, i found that my salinity is between 1.026 and 1.027, is that safe?


Active Member
fish could probably live in it but u should try to lower it, take out about a half a gallon of water and put in a half gallon on nonsalt water, then check it, u want iit around 1.020- 1.024


Kk, so now i lowred my salinity to 1.022-1.023. Im going to test nitrates and pH again.