starting up a new tank


New Member
again I am new so please be gentle. I am starting to get a little nervouse about this whole thing and my girlfriend see's me spending all this money but yet there is still no water in the tank. I would like to at least get this thing up and runig today, if possible. I could not fid the southdaown sand anywere, so I have gone with quickrete. I am wondering if I should be adding LS and LR in the beginning or do I need to wait until after the cycle? Thanks for all the information I apreciate it. To bad my friends didn't know about this site before they got started.
thanks again,


I'm new at this too. But, if you add live rock and sand at the beginning it will help your cycle and supply some bacteria to get you started. The LS will help keep the nitrates from skyrocketing as high as they might and the LR will help with ammonia and nitrites. You stil need to test the water during the cycle. Also your LR may supply you with the initial ammonia needed to start the cycle but if not you can use store bought shrimp for a few days and then take it out after it starts. Most hobbyists will tell you to use store shrimp, I used 3-damsels and did water changes during the cycle to help keep the fish from being to stressed.(Some people say water changes during the cycle slows it or stops it, but my tank cycled in 5 weeks. Your fish may die durinjg the cycle if you use fish, maybe I just got lucky


Hmmmm...never heard of using quickcrete. But I'm kinda new as well. My advice would be to definately use the live sand, and as much live rock as you can afford. A good rule of thumb is 1-2 lbs per gallon of water, so if you have a 55 gallon, then use about 55- 80 lbs of live rock. If you use a dead shrimp to cycle with, I am under the impression that you cycle won't take as long as it would by using damsels. The whole idea, as far as I'm concerned is to set up a system that will basically run itself. The live sand will help with cleanup, the live rock will function as your filter, and once your tank is cycled, if you have the right balance, then your water chemistry pretty much takes care of itself. My tank was set up 5 1/2 weeks ago. Still cycling...Patience is a virtue in this hobby. Take the time to set it up right, and it should be just about bullet proof!:D Another thought is to use reverse osmosis water in your new will save you a lot of headaches. You can get it at Walmart. Just my advice. But like I said, I'm new as well, so one of the veterans needs to back me up, so to speak, before you set your tank up. I could be missing something really important. Good luck and Welcome.


Active Member
You want to have your live sand and live rock in your tank when your tank cycles. If you add the rock after the cycle you might have another mini cycle. Plus having the rock in there will help your system become stronger after the cycle. I would use shripm to cycle.
I don't like using live fish to cycle when you can use dead shrimp. But thats just me. And don't do any water changes till your cycle is over. All that will do is make your cycle take longer and your bacteria count would be lower (bad).


New Member
Is it ok to add a few pieces after the cycle, or should I just pay-up for all of it now? I have also been told that some of it (LR & LS) may die off because of the cycle, is this true? Thanks again for all the help.