starving Angel?


New Member
I bought a Lemonpeel Angel just five days ago and it hasn't been eating. I have tried to feed it the Formula Foods Pygmy Angel Diet and also spirulina with brine shrimp. When I put the food in the tank either my 2 clowns will eat it or the Angel will swim right by it. I have also tried flakes. I'm new at this hooby and desperate for advice. Also there aren't any outcroppings of algae in the tank for him to feed off of. I need help quick!


Im not really for sure on this but it should be in a bigger tank im not sure they should be in a 30g tank, again im not sure. do alot of research
good luck :)


The Coral Beauty that I currently have in my 40 gallon did not eat for a few days either but after throwing some seaweed selects in there, he started to eat more and now he eats everything. On the other hand, I had a Lemonpeel and a Coral Beauty together in a 70 gallon tank with incredible algae and everything but both fish refused to eat anything. They died one day after the other about a month later from what I presume to be starvation. There's not much I can say about your situation now but to keep trying different kinds of foods to hopefully bring the little guy to eat. But in the future, make sure that fish that you get from the lfs are both healthy and eating before you purchase them. This step is very important in keeping all fish especially dwarf angels. So keep trying and maybe you can get him to eat. Good Luck!

here fishy

Lemonpeels are very difficult to keep. As stated above feed seaweed selects, frozen lifeline (Green algea) and if available in your area sea grapes...(Sold in bunches) My angel and tangs devour these.....If you can soak the food in a garlic solution....all the better for you! :cool:


New Member
Does you angel "pick at" the rock, looking for food? Watch it for a while and see if it does and where. Then try and put food where it was trying to eat. You can smash small amounts of thawed frozen food (formula one, formula two, prime reef) onto/into the surface on the rock. If it won't eat algae from a clip, I've heard you can attach algae directly to the rock with a rubber band, but I've never tried it. Some angels will suddenly start to eat (so don't give up) and some never will.


angels are not the easyist fish to care for, and if you are new to the hobby it will become frustrating to deal w/ that..but be patient and hope it starts eating soon