stary blennie

has anyone heard of this fish, saw one at LFS, very cool looking, i was told that it changes color.
i was woundering if anyboby has had any experience with this fish and if you could share with me..


I have one and absolutely love him. He is so pretty....he does change colors. Not fancy bright colors, but like his little eye brows will turn white and he will get white strips, hard to explain. He is a great little guys, loves algae and LOVES krill. He loves to watch me, will come over to the glass and watch what I am doing. Great fish.

I don't know if you can see him very well in this picture. He is sitting on the rock by my sebae anemone. Not a very flattering picture of him. They are very pretty.


I don't have one but I searched for it after reading this post. Here is a photo from another website. I'm not sure if I am allowed to post the link? I know it's not right to post a competitor but this is a magazine. Apologies in advance.