

these are my readings:
Ammonia---0.12 mg/L

0.15 mg/L

30 mg/L

are these ok?.....
what can i do to fix other than water changes?
what are good readings for a 10G reef???


Active Member
Ammonia, trites, and trates i would try to get to zero. Is your tank just coming out of a cycle? You might want to do a water change but test that water first and make sure that the was has zero ammonia, trites and trates.


Active Member
Are you doing reef or fish only? Ammonia should be 0 and if it's fish only, a little trates won't hurt but I would still feel better having them at 0. Just remember, a 10g tank will require more water changes since there isn't much water volume to dilute the bad stuff.


Active Member
That's something I forgot to consider. How long has the tank been setup? If it's a new tank, you are probably still cycling.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
you are still cycling. dont do water changes until NH3 and NO2 reach zero

I agree with joojoo


I have had the tank since January--about 5 months
and got bad info from the LFS about stocking and etc
and anyway....i had a tang in there for a while (another LFS debacle)
and i had TONS of brown algae so i did a giant water change and physically cleaned the tank.
then got some advice from this site, got a lot of LR and got rid of the tang and etc
and a week later this is my i am not cycling but you think they will go back down after a while or should I do 20% water changes everyweek for a while....
what should i do?
i have had a clown that has been in there since day 1 (i know bad idea) and hes doing fine
any suggestions???


here are some pics of the tank before and after:
oh and i got some zoos last week when i cleaned the tank (i am a very impatient person)



Active Member
You are p[robably experiencing a mini cycle from the addition of the LR. You may even be doing a complete cycle. Depending on how much you cleaned the tank. I hope you mean you just wiped it down? Gotta get those numbers to zero. If it hasn't been more than 3 or 4 weeks you need to just wait it out.
Watch the numbers and see if the ammo and trite are dropping, you're getting close.

Just noticed it has only been a week! Gonna have to work on that patience thing. It'll come!
Zoos might not survive though.