Steam distilled water


New Member
My water company at work provides steam distilled water. Would this be ok for water changes? What would be the benefits of using RO or RO/DI water instead?


I use steamed distilled water for water changes and top offs too. I don't know the answer to the questions but I hope somebody out there does.


Active Member
As with RO, DI or RO/DI, much of the quality issues with distilled water center around the maintenance of the purification equipment, and what materials the condensate comes in contact with after it's a cooled liquid.
In the case of steam distilled water - what is the material of the condenser, piping and storage vessels ?
How long does the distilled water remain in storage ?
Is there any chemical post treatment of the distilled water ?
Is the distilled water in continuous contact with metal piping, or is everything from the point of the condenser forward made of plastic piping ?