Stil having high nitrate


My tank has had over 150lbs of live rock. Two in the tank refugiums loaded with macro algae. A reactor filled with seachem denitrate and 2 things of purigen. And I have done multiple water changes in the 40 gallon range for the past month. What else can I try or do I break it down and start over?


Through my rodi filter. I test my water change water before it goes into the tank and nitrates are zero.


Well-Known Member
Do you have filter socks or filters in your sump? Do you change them often?
Do you have built up detritus in your sump?
Do you take a turkey baster or a powerhead and deeply clean your rock work and blow out all of the detritus between water changes?
Did you purchase many detrivores that will eat detritus in your system?
Do you maintain your sandbed with a gravel vac once every six months to a year to keep your sand from becoming septic?
Do you use and calibrate your TDS meter with your RO system?
Do you change the carbon filter out of your RO system once every three months to prevent chlorine from damaging your RO membrane?
How old are your lights above your refugium and how often do you harvest your macroalgae?
Do you have any DIY skills that would allow you to build an algae scrubber?


Active Member

Through my rodi filter. I test my water change water before it goes into the tank and nitrates are zero.
When you do water changes how much does the nitrate lower?
When was the last piece of LR added?