Still cloudy!!!!!!!


New Member
Hi there everyone!!
Hope you all enjoyed the festive season...
A couple of weeks ago I posted a thread about my Tank water being cloudy. Well I am still sitting with the same problem.
After you guys told me to check for a bypass in the filter, run some good reef carbon and cut down on lighting and feeding (cause we established it was some kind of diatomatious algea suspended in the water - although it does not grow on the glass, rock or substrate).
I have done al that and damed up some of that cotton wool that comes in rolls so that the water is forced to go through it in the filter. The water is a whitish greenish color.
Please guys I am very desperate and need some ideas.
Tank: 100 G Running for almost 8 months
Aquamedic TF 1000 skimmer
All Parameters at 0 except I havent tested PO4.
2" DSB
LR & only 5 small fish and three shrimps

chef jaysen

Im sure my cloudy water is different than yours but it was driving me mad. So I did a 25% water change and replaced all my filters and in two days the water cleared up dramatically. I have a powerfilter and I just figured out that I am supposed to change the carbon filter once a month.....Just my .01 Good luck