still confused?


i have a porky pffer and bursa trigger.
i feed them frozen foods but im still confused on how much im supposed to feed them and how many times? i dont know if im overfeeding or underfeeding???
someone set me straight :)


Active Member
the porcy no fewer than 3 times a day and the bursa also no fewer than 3 times a day


What you talkin bout Willis? Sorry couldn't resist. Moray is correct but if you find that schedule not possible then twice a day would be the bare minimum. I would also suggest varying the food a bit just to add some variety. Even though flake foods shouldn't be a staple diet, they can be used once in a while. It is as dangerous to overfeed and it is to underfeed, just keep a look out for shrinking of the side muscles or if they seem to be always fat and make adjustments accordingly.


Active Member
2 and 3 times a DAY...?
Am I missing something these are just little tiny baby fish that can't hold much in their stomachs and need more frequent feedings...?
Once a day or even 3-4 times a week should be plenty for a normal sized aggressive fish...


ok squid if once a day then can you tell me how much of a portion i should be feeding them if its frozen foods?


I also have a pork puffer, spotted puffer and a N iger.
I have the same question. I usually feed every day, but sometimes every other day. My Puffer looks fatter than when I got him.
What are other peoples opinions on how often to feed.


Definitely NOT 3 times a day!! Especially puffers! If you are feeding your porky 3 times a day, you better be giving him tiny TINY amounts each time, or else you're gonna end up with a fat puffer, and a HUGE ammonia spike. Porkys are POOP machines.
I feed mine 3-4 pieces of krill once every other day. He is about 4 inches long and a chubby guy. I couldn't imagine feeding him 3 times a day.