still have problems with yellow tang

I am still having problems with my yellow tang. It was put into a hospital tank and the salinity lowered to 1.009 to fight off ick for 3 weeks. Before this he had little white spots (one on the bottom edge of each pectoral fin) which he scraped off on the live rock that was in the main tank. Yesterday started raising the salinity back to the normal level of my main tank 1.025. Now he is getting little white spots again. Also he will not eat, not even with food soaked in garlic.
What do I need to do to cure him?
All water parameters are normal (good).
Thanks in advance for any help


Staff member
How long did you leave the fish in hyposalinity? It needs to be 3-4 wks AFTER all signs of ich are gone from the fish. What did you use to measure the specific gravity?
The tang was put into the quarantine tank and the salinity was lowered over a one week period. During this time the spots all disappeared. He stayed in the tank for three full weeks with a salinity level of 1.009. The tang was never moved back to the display tank, he is still in the qt tank. The salinity was slowly being raised back to normal (1.025), but had not yet made it that high. It had only been raised to 1.016 over two days.
The tang originally had the white spots before when it was in the main tank. The spots were at the bottom edges of the pectoral fins, one spot on each side.
The hydrometer is made by aquarium systems and is a Seatest full range specific gravity meter at least that is what it says on the product, with a range from1.000 to 1.030.