still looking at my feather duster


Right now he seems to be in a high water circulation area. His little feathers are moving around pretty good. Will he be happy here or should I move hime to a more placid area?

bang guy

I'm sorry... could you remind me about what type of duster you have? There are many types and they all have different needs.


Good question. I know its not a Hawaiin duster because the lfs wanter 24 clams for that. Mine was on sale for 9.95 down from 14. Is there a "basic" tube worm duster? The feathers are banded light brown and off white, about 2 1/2" long. The tube is about 4" long. bluish grey. I have no other info. I will try out my digital camera in the next day or two to see if I can capture it on disc. Have to go to Tucson tomorrow for a deposition.


Active Member
Does it look like this?
See picture in below post.
Mine seems to like a medium current. Too strong of a current seems to make him withdraw back into his tube often
Post edited


I couldn't get your photo to come up. In any event I moved him and he seems happier on the other side of the tank.


Active Member
dewd ! u gota stop taking pics lol..... or atleast take crappy one, so the rest of us dont feel so bad hahahah (kidding)
what are your settings btw ? (digital for close ups)


Rye - thats him. Sits like that too. Can I prop him up like a tree or will he try to move? I also like your photogs. Keep it up. Makes the site interesting. On the new hobbyist board you can play name that thing.:D


Active Member
My feather duster likes the medium current. You can prop it up all you want but, if you have gobies or snails they will take care of knocking it down for you. It will attach itself to a piece of rock if it sits near one.


Active Member
No way! I wish I could keep all of that stuff. Much of it is mine but, some is friends, LFS. All of my pics though.