LOL... life is serious enough.. gotta joke and have fun when you can.. and laugh at what you can
Just a little warning with damsels tho... they are aggressive and after a few days of exploring the new environment and establishing their pecking order -- they very well may likely begin to single one fish out to harass.
You need to watch this - and be prepared to isolate and remove the one that gets picked on. He will not be hard to catch - as he will likely get harrassed to the point of WANTING OUT! In order to stay away and acknowledge the tank as another damsel's territory, he will likely hide in a corner of the tank or behind a powerhead. You need to have a refugium ready to get him out, let him settle down and ensure his health before returninng him to the LFS. You can use your sump are for this as well - "AS LONG AS" there is no danger of him getting sucked into a powerhead. As something temporary, You can also use a learge clear bag (like u carry larger fish home in) - fill it with your tank water and clip it to your top it doesn't just float around. This gives him the protection he needs. Don't forget to feed him tho - and change his water every 2-3 days as you won't have the circulation in the bag as the tank. Instead of a bag, you can also use a jug of some kind (1 gal ice cream container; milk jug; gatorde; etc) drill a ZILLION holes in it - the more the better - and put him in there. The holes help the tank water moving in/out - but give him the protection.
Basically, just know their behavior patterns. Being aggressive, they will fight. If it gets out of control, and one begins to get unable to hold his own - give him a helping hand by giving him his own space.
ALSO - because you know they are temporary and hard to get out - don't spend tons of time arranging your rock - as you will likely have to move it OR remove it to catch the little buggers.
Damsels, altho aggressive, in MY opinion, are beautiful fish. Since you are getting 5 - try to get as many variety as possible - might help a 'little'with the infighting. The yellow tailed is very aggressive (i'd make him the SMALLEST one). The Domino gets more aggressive the larger he gets, the juviniles don't always give you as much problems. The stripped domino - i just don't know. Everyone i've had or seen in others tanks seems different. Btw, this is the one being so illusive to me - seems more skittish than the others.
They offer a lot of color - and most important are cheap and HEARTY - so "IF" you are cycling they give you the best chance at not losing a fish (which is the whole point). I'm returning my damsels bigger, plumper and in better health than when i got them. SEe, i'm so mean to my damsels, i feed em good
Have fun - watch your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels daily so you can catch that spike if you get one. If you are going to add any more live rock - given your stable now and going to cycle anyways -- go ahead and throw your live rock in as well. Make sure you cycle it good and get that filter media established.
Good luck in your cycling - and enjoy your fish - no matter WHAT you have.