still not having luck posting pics


tried doing it like the board says to with the [ img] [ /img] still no dice what kind of site does it have to be to allow the pictures to be viewable have a yahoophoto setup will that work or do i need to move my a homepage somewhere else


Just save them to ur desktop and click the browse button and select the file. Make sure its no bigger than 500x500. Btw nice tank.
Are you having problems becuase the image is too big? I use a program called Irfanview. Its a free download and it does all sorts of stuff.
Just save your PIC anywhere in your computer ( i use my documents) . See the "attach image" down there.... push browse, find the name photo and clcik on it.. then push "post" it will automatically upload it.
The photo cannot be bigger than 500X500 pixels. The irfanview will resize your pics.
Hope this helps, kIm


will post more pics after work tonight thanks for the help btw here is my favorite fish hard to get him to hold still though


Canon Powershot a85 is awesome for stills and catching moving targets still has a secound but focus's really quick so makes up for it


downloaded infan still having to use paint to save as jpeg though is there a way in infan to save as jpeg


Active Member
any advantage to using irfanview over photoshop? I wouldn't think so, but just checking to make sure I'm not missing anything...