sting ray question


hey everyone
I am planning on getting either a 150 gallon
f aquarium or a 180
I am very interested in getting a sting ray. I was hopein that someone would be able to tell me the basic guide lines on taking care of one.


Basic guidelines are that you need a fine sand bottom and lots of swiming room. So I would go with the 180 and you won't be able to put to much rock in it. So you need a good wet/dry and skimmer and I like to use a UV sterilizer. HTH


In addition to what AC has said, there are a few species to stay away from and some that fair better than others. For instance, I would recommend a california stingray, a cortez stingray, or a yellow stingray. Each one of these listed has an excellent track record for aclimating to aquariums.
On the other hand, the blue dot stingray does not do well at all in aquariums. They are probably one of the most beautiful of the stingray species, and are readily available. Tom most aquarists- including seaworld, they have a difficult time keeping them alive.
This is another basic piece of informaiton that I would like to provide you if you do decide to get a ray.


when it comes to live rock can i have a little or none. Also would tangs, wrasses, large angles bother the sting ray?
I know to stay away from puffers and trigger.


Active Member
Everything you mentioned have reputations for picking on rays. None of those would be good choices. Also, you say this is a bow front 180? What are the exact dimensions? Maybe its not even large enough to house one of these animals.


Active Member
You still need to answer the tank size question before going any furter. Length and width at the smallest points are key.


I have a dwarf yellow stingray, and I also have tangs and a few others... nobody bothers the ray. We have the live rock built up in the back and a sand bed in the front, he is content there and seems to have plenty of room. He is an awesome fish, and he helps keep the tank clean, he scavenges the bottom. I am not sure exactly how big he is going to get, but he is about 5 inches now.