sting rays


New Member
I just recently purchased a 75 gallon tank and going to start cycling it soon. I currently have a 45 hex that has a sweetlips, foxface and five damsels. When i start the new tank how hard are the sting rays to have in the 75. Anyone help.
In my 45 hex I have an udergarvel filter and a millinuem filter that has been working for three years but it was time to upgade. I really want a sting ray Help


a ray probably will be tough to keep in a 75 gal tank. especially with LR, that won't be much floor space to "swim."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whitey
All species of Rays are going to be much too big for a 75 gallon tank.
I agree.


Active Member
my ray makes my 205 gallon tank look small, and also i only have 100 pounds of live rock in there so he has a WHOLE bare bottom to freely swim and bury himself in the sand(which is a must)...


Active Member
Most do, but many LFS still continue to sell them anyway. We do not know what species it is that this poster has, so we cannot comment to that aspect.