Stinging fish


Do fish like like the volitan lionfish or eels sting you? i read they have venomous fins and things like that. if you put your hand in to the sting you?
also the pacific blue tang has venemous fins do those hurt?


Active Member
Almost every fish that stings (and I can't think of one available in the aquarium trade that isn't this way) does so for defense, not offense.
If you put your hand in the tank, they will generally avoid your hand at all costs. Corner them, however, and it may be a different story. Volitan Lionfish pack enough punch to put you in the emergency room for a good solid sting. Foxfaces and such will hurt like a bee sting, but nothing serious.
None of the fish you mentioned though will attack you unless they think you are food or you trigger a "flight for fight" response from them. Even if they do think that you are food, these animals don't sting their food to death, so they won't use their stingers on you for that reason, they'll just come closer than you like.
I've never had a problem with the Lions that I've kept. I have one in my FOWLR at the moment, when I clean the tank, I usually have a helper keep an eye on him, and I just stay on the side of the tank he's not on. When he wanders over near me, I just clean somewhere else. If he really gets in my way, I can shoo him away with my hand and he swims away. As long as you stay away from the dorsal spines, it's no biggie.
In the end, as long as you respect the animal and don't get them in a situation where they have to defend themselves, you should never have an issue. I've heard stories about lionfish just ramming people with their fins, but it's usually a case of them cornering them and not realizing it.

mandarin w

Yes, yes, and of course Yes.
You need to take great care around these and a few others. You could end up being seriously hurt and sick. You could end up in the hospital if proper care isn't taken.


Alright, thanks. I was just thinking about what if it got too close and i was cleaning the tank or something.
wow i didn't know volitans could sting that badly!


Active Member
Originally Posted by weezer591
Alright, thanks. I was just thinking about what if it got too close and i was cleaning the tank or something.
wow i didn't know volitans could sting that badly!
Yeah they pack a punch. I wouldn't recommend that children or elderly people stick their hands in a tank, but also remember that Volitans aren't very easily spooked. They don't swim very fast, so it's really easy to avoid them.


haha i have a feeling i would be too scared to get one and acclimate it. i woudl think it's going to sting me.

mandarin w

Also if you have allergies to bee stings or spider bites yourself it is a good idea to stay away from these fish.
Also know that there are several infections that you can get from working on your tank, that can make you very, very, sick and land you in the hospital. That is why you should always wash your hand before you put your hands in the tank, to protect the fish from you. Wash your hand after your hand where in the tank, to protect you from the fish. Never put your hands in the tank if you have any type of cut, scratch, rash, etc on your hands or arms. And as always, it is best to use gloves when you put your hands in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarin w
Also if you have allergies to bee stings or spider bites yourself it is a good idea to stay away from these fish.
Good point. If you stick your hands in the tank with cuts, etc, there's an even more obvious reason it's a bad idea... saltwater... it HURTS!