stingray question


Active Member
is it possible to remove the sting from a stingray and not harm it. i went to an aquarium in california where i got to pet sharks, rays, and tangs in an outdoor pond. it was awesome
the rays didn't have stings but i was afraid cause i was only like 9. the pond had yellow tangs, regal tangs, i believe cali rays, bamboo sharks, and maybe a nurse shark. and again is it possible to remove the sting from a stingray. thanks.


Im not sure if you can but they get new stingers every now and then. I pet my stingray with no problems. Most rays dont care as long as you have food present.


It's never caused a problem for me in the 4 years I've had sting rays. So I guess my opinion is why put them through the stress. In a public aquarium you could see the need to protect people from doing dumb things and getting stung. When it's you own aquarium I wouldn't think this to be an issue. Just my two cents. :thinking:


Active Member
let's say you were setting up a swimming pool and wanted to put sharks and rays in their. then you let people pet the fish(will this cause stress) and then some friend of mine got stung, then i get sued. then what would happen not that i'm doing this but using a swimming pool for a pond is much cheaper but are there disadvantages???


Active Member
You want to pet the fish? Yea they will get stressed! And if your friend wasn't dumb he wouldn't be putting his hands where theres teeth and stingers.


Active Member
well why do people let u pet em in that aquarium i mentioned in the first post :notsure:


Active Member
and the sharks are like great whites or black tips. bamboos aren't gonna even make you bleed


people let you do that so they could make money off liitle kids wanting to pet a fish. fish aren't dogs, they don't want their heads scratched.


isn't chicago a little cold for an outdoor pond with sharks, rays, tangs?


I disagree on the power of bamboos bites. My bambo riped through the top of my rubber liner three weeks ago. A big bite also.


Active Member
i said i don't plan on doing this soon so don't flame me. anyway who cares how old you are. you could be 120 and not no anything about fish and you could be 5 and be an expert on fish.


not flaming you, just wondering.
you could not be 5 and be an expert on keeping sharks.