

Anyone have any info on a black/gray ray. Get's about 3 feet from one wing to the other. Saw it at a zoo..... Looks intresting


I think if you use the SEARCH feature on this BB; there should be some post about rays; I think RISC might even have posted some general info on them


Originally posted by tankstolove:
<strong>If you are considering keeping a ray
I would keep the blue spotted sting ray.</strong><hr></blockquote>
If you mean Taeniura lymma(which you probably do) then I would have to say NO WAY. They are VERY difficult to keep and should only be keep by someone with a lot of experience at keeping rays. They need PERFECT water conditions(any fluxuations can kill them). A yellow ray(Urobatis jamaicensis) would be a much better beginner ray.


hope you have a 300g,cause thats what they require to live in captivity,and they seem to do fine for while then one day just stop eating for some reason and die,i've had couple in a 200g and have lost both of them,mabey cause my tnak was to small.good luck if you get one,oh yah,by the way,the blue spot would be the best choice.A.S.


I would have to agree with Jim on this one, don't get a blue spotted unless you are extremely experienced with this type of ray. They are the Moorish Idol's of sting rays. I have a yellow and mine is great and eating very well, i would say stay with one of those


I had no idea that the blue spot was a non hardy ray. I got mine from a friend that was moving about 8 months ago. He has never had a problem and I have have no other personal esperience of them. Everyone who sees him absolutely love him. My tank has never been dosed with copper, that will kill them very quickly.


Some people(like you) do get lucky with them. Just keep your parameters as stable as possible. Also just a warning, these rays are known to just stop eating for no aparent reason and die. Good luck with yours!