fishguy84 Actually, not even any base or LR for rays. The soft bottom on rays makes them easily scratched or cut, which can become infected. Just a sand bottom, or clean glass
i have about 250 pounds of live rock with my two cali rays and they love it so i must disagree,, they have alot of open swimming area and alot of rock to graze over and swim around. but then again i also have a 300 gallon tank ... they never cut their stomachs or anythign when they go over rock,, their smart enought o just glide over it and not get hurt
i also have a good amount of corals in my tank with my stingrays. unleashed is correct sometiemes they knock one of my muhsroom rocks over but that because id ont have it wedged very tightly but i never had any other proeblems witht hem bothering corals on me.. Also mine never eats my hermits, i guess im kind of lucky but they just arent interested in them