Stink in my ATO Can!


I have always had a stink in my auto top-off Rubbermaid garbage can. I have always placed RO/DI water in there and have always run a powerhead to keep the water moving. Has anyone else run into this problem? If so, any ideas to get rid of the stank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zenway9
I have always had a stink in my auto top-off Rubbermaid garbage can. I have always placed RO/DI water in there and have always run a powerhead to keep the water moving. Has anyone else run into this problem? If so, any ideas to get rid of the stank?
If the "stink" is now "stank"; that sounds past-tense . Is the problem solved? Unless its the typical rubbermaid-type plastic smell; a strong soaking of vinegar and water should do it. Rinse well. I always rinse fish containers, tanks, etc., by just putting an oscillating lawn sprinkler under them for a work involved.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by zenway9
I have always had a stink in my auto top-off Rubbermaid garbage can. I have always placed RO/DI water in there and have always run a powerhead to keep the water moving. Has anyone else run into this problem? If so, any ideas to get rid of the stank?

I don't know why rubbermaid smells but it does. I went with a glass tank under the stand for my ATO. I also use a small power head for circulation. I still use the rubbermaid for water changes, it still smells sour. I leave it open to air out but in no time after putting water in it the smell is back.


If you don't want your can to stink, you should probably wash your can regularly.

All kidding aside, you might make sure a little more air gets in there. You lose more to evaporation, but get fresh oxygen in the water.


Wash it out every other week. Mine starts to stink after like 3-4 weeks of not being cleaned. I actually stopped using the RubberMaid container and switched back to a 5G bucket because RM smells. leaving the top off does help with the smell, but they need to be rinsed regularly.


Active Member
I never thought this hobby/addiction would lead me into a discussion of the pros & cons of tupperware. IME, rubbermaid brand has its own smell. I've got trash cans (on wheels) at Home depot and they just never smell. Now that the aroma of rubber-type products is in the air---I expect a very good friend of mine to chime in soon.


Originally Posted by IbanEz
If you don't want your can to stink, you should probably wash your can regularly.

All kidding aside, you might make sure a little more air gets in there. You lose more to evaporation, but get fresh oxygen in the water.
That just might be the trick, because I keep mine covered due to major evaporation. I wouldn't use a 5 gallon bucket, because I think I have that much evaporation in one day!