Stinky Water!!

I was feeding myfish today and noticed that my water stinks! i tested my water and the ammonia is high... .35 mg/l. Nitrite is 0 and so is nitrate. Salinity was a litte high but with in the tolerence. 1.025. I added fresh water and brought it down to 1.023. How do I get it to not stink!
I have a protein skimmer. I have penguin 330 filter. (it is a 29 gallon tank). 1 clownfish died about a week ago but i removed him/her immediatly. My tank is nearing 3 months old. Hope this helps.


New tank water can stink but old water thats cycled should smell like sea water. Are you overstocked with fish, you can run carbon in your filter that will knock out the stink.