Stipes on Maroon Clown


I have had a Maroon clown for a while now and his stripes are not solid. The stripe on his tail does not meet on the sides and the stripe in the middle does not connect in the middle either. The LFS told me it would as he matures. I cannot tell if it is changing because I stair at him everyday. Ant thoughts. This is the only pic I have. Not very good but you get the idea. He does not like to be photographed.


I like it when the stripes dont connect. It makes them unique. I purposely picked a clown that didnt have connecting stripes when I got my first fish.... I guess I just like being different :happyfish


Active Member
Oh, well i thought they might since the gold on the gold stipe maroon doesnt appear till later in its life.


They won't connect but I think it's cool... it's a clown that refuses to wear her uniform. :happyfish
Your LFS on the other hand.... :rolleyes:


Tell me about my LFS. There are three with in 25 minutes of my house and I hate doing business with any of them. I found one really nice store 45 min away and I bet there are a few in Portland but sometimes I don't want to make half a day going to the LFS :scared: