Originally Posted by Greg803
i am putting fish in my tank.i put a stingray in then a huma,dogface,maroon clown and a big long horn cow fish.the huma thinks he is the king already.do you think these fish will be ok?will the huma nip at the ray or cow fish?and do the dogfaces lay around alot or is he just getting at home to the tank?it is a 75 long and will be in a 150 with in a year.all of them are small at this time.any help please.
I think even with the 150 gal. tank its way too small for the stingray and cow fish. if you're gonna get an upgrade i'd do 240gal. if you plan on keeping the stingray. More important i would not keep the long horn in that tank, besides the fact they reach 16-20in. it is a peaceful fish and when stressed can release poisonous toxins in the water and possibly wipe out your other fish. i had a friend who had that fish with triggers and angels and ran into that problem.