Stock list for 14g biocube



well are these compatible?
- 2 Perculas
- 1 RBTA
- 1 Skunk shrimp
- some sexy shrimp
This is my first nano tank but i have a 55 gallon reef as well. My main concern is with the sexy shrimp. Can i have more than 1? Will they kick the perculas out of the anemone? I also thought of getting harlequin shrimp instead. Do harlequins only eat starfish? I also plan on putting in a coral or two later down the road after the anemone has settled and the clowns host it (fingers crossed). Are sexy/harlequin shrimp reef safe?


oh yeah, forgot to mention. I used water from my tank so it is cycled and i put in about 8 lbs LR and some LS. The LR is loaded with coralline so i am psyched about that. How long should i wait to put stuff in?


Using water only from an established tank wont do jack. You will still get a cycle. If you can take some of the live rock and sand(if you are running it) that would be the way to go. The is very little good bacteria present in water.


well al the LS is from my tank and the LR has been in the LFS for as long as i can remember. The pieces were from a display reef tank (upon special request
). I was expecting a cycle but it would be quick.


Your cycle will probably be pretty quick if the rock was submerged the whole time. Regardless just keep an eye on it and don't add anything too early.
The sexy shrimp will be completely fine in groups. They are social and will share their home with others of their species. The clowns won't get pushed out of the bta, but they will very likely keep the shrimp away or possibly kill them if they are persistent.
I'm not sure how strong the draw is for the shrimp to host in an anemone, but the one I keep in my tank hosts in my hammer coral. I don't have any anemones, as I don't want to deal with the potential problems. The shrimp may or may not be willing to host in something other than an anemone if one is present.
Harlequins only eat starfish and more specifically they only eat specific species of starfish depending on their age. I can't find the link, but a guy had an aquarium diary where he was keeping a couple in a nano.
He had a half dozen large stars in a much larger refugium that he would use as food. He'd cut off a leg and rotate between the stars. The time allowed them to regrow the damaged portion. It was an interesting idea, but it did seem like a fair bit of work.


wow thanks. I knew harlequins would be very hard to feed but i thought it would be cool. Harlequins are just so beautiful. Can anyone recommend a goby that stays small to sift my sand?


i will also throw some other cleaner inverts in there like hermits and snails. Can anyone else recommend something to put in? I would love to hear some ideas.


c'mon people i want to put stuff in my tank within the next yeaar. i know someone out there has some knowledge.


Do a search in this forum for clean up. You'll find tons of suggestions. I like nassarius snails and astreas. I'm not a fan of hermits as they often kill snails, but some people really like them. Just read up a lot on anything you are going to add. Everything has a drawback. Make sure it is something you are willing to put up with for the service it provides.