well are these compatible?
- 2 Perculas
- 1 RBTA
- 1 Skunk shrimp
- some sexy shrimp
This is my first nano tank but i have a 55 gallon reef as well. My main concern is with the sexy shrimp. Can i have more than 1? Will they kick the perculas out of the anemone? I also thought of getting harlequin shrimp instead. Do harlequins only eat starfish? I also plan on putting in a coral or two later down the road after the anemone has settled and the clowns host it (fingers crossed). Are sexy/harlequin shrimp reef safe?
- 2 Perculas
- 1 RBTA
- 1 Skunk shrimp
- some sexy shrimp
This is my first nano tank but i have a 55 gallon reef as well. My main concern is with the sexy shrimp. Can i have more than 1? Will they kick the perculas out of the anemone? I also thought of getting harlequin shrimp instead. Do harlequins only eat starfish? I also plan on putting in a coral or two later down the road after the anemone has settled and the clowns host it (fingers crossed). Are sexy/harlequin shrimp reef safe?