Stock list help please.


Im currently looking at stocking my 80g bowfront tank. Im thinking...
- Lunar Wrasse
- Porc Puffer
- Huma Huma
- Naso Tang
- I need a good angel to go with them.
The question that comes to mind is can I keep Any type of or certain corals/zoo's/mushrooms/clams with these guys? Any cleanup crew? Is it going to be strictly these 5 fish?


all four of those fish will outgrow a 80. if you want an angel, look into the dwarves from the Centropyge genus.
corals won't be safe with those fish on the list besides the tang.
cleanup crews with porc puffers usually consist of large hermit crabs.
if you want a wrasse, look into the smaller wrasses like: sixlines, flasher, fairy, ect. there are also dwarf puffers in the toby subfamily. i don't believe any trigger will thrive in that small of a tank. no tangs either besides a kole.


Active Member
I agree! An 80 is too small for a Naso. All large tangs need a 6ft tank to swim. Your fish might be ok for a little while, but they grow fast (really fast) and will need a larger tank within 18 months.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dstoneburg
Dropping the tang.
How about
- Porc puffer
- Huma Huma
- French Angelfish
- Lunar wrasse
- Foxface
No offense but I think that you are way off on your fish selection. The foxface and the wrasse are debatable in a tank that size. The angel, huma and puffer should not be housed in an 80 gallon tank long term. If you must go with any of these, then I'd say the huma has the best chance of survival because they are so hardy. A french angel would not last long. The porky may live for a while but keep in mind that, when it does become ill, then a puffer can release toxins into the water and poison the tank.



Originally Posted by dstoneburg
Im currently looking at stocking my 80g bowfront tank. Im thinking...
- Lunar Wrasse
- Porc Puffer
- Huma Huma
- Naso Tang
- I need a good angel to go with them.
The question that comes to mind is can I keep Any type of or certain corals/zoo's/mushrooms/clams with these guys? Any cleanup crew? Is it going to be strictly these 5 fish?
I would say you would be within the limits with only this one fish.

Humu Picasso Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus)
Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 10"