Stock List


New Member
I have a 40 gal. tank with about 3 inches of sand and maybe 40 lbs of liverock. Here's a list of what I want. Let me know if you think it will work.
I already have a Volitan Lion. It's about 3 inches long (in terms of body trunk).
I would like to get:
Copperband Butterfly
Porcupine Puffer
Some kind of colorful Wrasse (suggestions welcome)
and maybe a Flame Angel
What I'm shooting for is a tank with bold fish that will get along. I don't want anything that's going to be timid and hide all the time.
Thanks for any help.


Active Member
The only two fish you list that are suited to this tank are the flame angel and one of the small wrasses (flasher, sixline, etc.)
The lion will be too large in a matter of a few months. The puffer and butterfly also need much larger systems. Please research the adult sizes and compatability of the fish you plan to keep. A tank in the range of 180 gallons would be about right for the list you have. It's a small tank so stock accordingly with 3-4 small fish.


Active Member
Yep, the only appropriate fish are indeed the last two. The lion gets 15 inches and the size of a basketball, the puffer will get 18 inches, and the butterfly needs much more live rock to graze on to even have a chance.
I would go with a fuzzy dwarf lion, valentini/blue spot puffer, angel, and wrasse. That would be a much more do-able list.


I agree with Nicetry. The lion is going to get pretty large. Also, the copperband butterfly is mostly only going to want to eat aiptasia which is a pest anenome. Some have been known to eat flakes or mysis shrimp but finnicky nontheless. The flame angel, a small wrasse, maybe a couple of clownfish, green chromis, and you could get a few fish that school together. Going this route you also keep the possibility of having a reef. For the most part the stocklist you were thinking of would be a FOWLR larger sized tank.


Active Member
mystery wrasse are real cool looking...but 150 bucks lol. yea i have in my 55g a lawnmower blenny, hawaiian blue puffer, fairy wrasse, eibli angel and a maroon clown.
49 wont hold many adult size fish on your list...may want to edit ur list