Stock List

rfd 4

New Member
I keep getting mixed signal on Tangs and Angels. i am setting up a 120 FOWLR and would like a tang and some angels but keep hearing that tangs only survive in 72" tanks mine is 48". i would like the following stock list but not sure if this would work
1 Powder Blue tang
1 bi color angel
1 flaming angel
1 saddleback butterfly
1 Lattice Butterfly
6 green blue chromis
1 watchman gobie
1 flame hawkfish
So will the tangs and angels get stressed out am i overstocking the tank
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


I would definitely scratch off the powder blue. They need large(at least 6ft) tanks/high flow and will be VERY aggressive in smaller tanks. If your dead set on a tang I'd recommend a Kole. Rest of the list sounds fine to me but I would wait for the tank to mature before adding the butterflies and angel. Ballsy move on the lattice-I've always heard they're pretty tough to acclimate to tank life.


Active Member
To expand on the tang/tank size thing, while most tangs do require at least a 6 foot tank, some require far larger tanks still, there are a few tangs that will work in your 120ga' (basically saying that a 4-foot 120gal and a 4-foot 55gal aren't the same tank, if someone reads my post and thinks his 55gal is good for a large Purple tang). Yellows and Purples, and any tang of the Ctenochaetus genus, Kole, Tomini, and Chevron, would be great fish in the tank.
That said, if you switch out the Powder Blue to a different tang, the rest of the stocklist looks pretty decent. I assuming you've heard of the risks associated with keeping multiple chromis? Some people have kept groups successfully, while other have had the groups kill each other off till there are only 1 or 2 left.
Making sure you wait to add the angels and butterflies till the tank is at least 6 months old, is great advise.