Stock suggestions 1 more fish

I need one more fish in my tank. one that is colorful and lively but will not upset the calm balance of my tank. I want to choose wisely but can't just go by the "book" because fish behave differently so need some practical help.24 gal nano cube live sand base 23lbs of live rock
Have in my tank: one neon goby who has claimed a piece of rock for its home, one adorable comical scooter blenny(dragonet), one slightly scare-dy cat firefish and one false perc that comes to the top to greet me whenever I open the lid(wants food) . 4 hermits 8 various snails have two pieces of ricordia one green one blue would like more coral. my fish interact nicely with each other. OK the clown doesn't appreciate when the neon goby tries to "clean" him but they don't fight. The clown does not nip the firefish. The only complaint is the clown is a pig! He wants to eat all the time and darts around like a maniac at feeding time crashing into other fish and things. I love the look of coral beauty but concerned it will destroy the soft coral I want to add. I love the behavior of 4-6 line wrasses but don't want them to bully my other fish. Any advice would be appreciated. MBinTraining


I would agree with the previous posts. If you really feel like the tank needs something else, what about a cool invert of some kind instead? Pom Pom crab, some kind of shrimp, etc. Or start workin' on giving the tank some color with new corals...


Active Member
can't go wrong wtih a clown goby, and watch the dragonet . . don't want it starving on ya.
I will start adding some coral, all the fish are happy so why mess up a good thing right? I have quite a supply of pods and I think the dragonet is eating them. I also turn off the pump for a minute to allow brine or cyclops to get on rock and bottom for him. He has grown since I got him (such a funny fish to watch). Thanks for the advice and concern. MBintraining