Stocking 75 Aggresive Reef


Active Member
I finally got my mini-reef moved into a 75 gallon tank.
So far the inhabitants that are going to stay in the setup are:
1 Fuzzy Dwarf Lion (2 inches currently)
1 Pink Skunk Clown
1 Six-Line Wrasse
1 Bicolor Blenny
What are some suggestions for somewhat aggressive tankmates that would be compatible?
If I were to remove the Blenny and Wrasse I would like to add a very small Angler (Maculatus) once the Clown and Lion have grown, contrary to all the research I have done stating that most fish if not prey will pick on the Angler.
I have also considered a Foxface.
My girlfriend wants a Puffer of some sort but I personally feel they are too destructive to trust in my reef tank.
I would add another Dwarf Lion but I want some fish that will actually be out in the open swimming around instead of lounging on the edge of a rock or bobbing in and out of their host.
Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.


I personally like the Niger Trigger. Considered one of the only triggers that are reef safe, and are mild mannered.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefer75
I personally like the Niger Trigger. Considered one of the only triggers that are reef safe, and are mild mannered.

Certainly not for a 75gal. tank, though.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
Certainly not for a 75gal. tank, though.
That Trigger will be quite fine in a 75 gal. I had one in my 75. I say had because I sold my 75 for my 200.


Active Member
So, a fish that will max out at close to 18" is fine in a 75gal. tank?
Not to be rude and this is not a personal attack against YOU...but it's advice like that that's making things difficult for beginners. Inexperianced advice, given as fact, is the biggest problem we face, in this hobby. Please, have long term experiance when giving advice about long term subjects.
You need to start thinking about long term, adult fish care...not just what size they are, as juveniles.


Sorry to be so inexperienced.What I have read is the they get 12" and require a min of a 70 gal tank. I let my reading cloud my judgement.


Active Member
cant always believe what you read saddly most books and websites are wrong thats why this site is here.. no trigger or tang for that matter should be kept in a 75 gal tank its just that simple! its not good for the fish! id say a dwarf angel of some sort would be kinda cool.. or if you decided to go the puffer route a valentini is definately cool and plenty small enough!


Active Member
ummm you can't put a puffer in a reef tank. Or say bye bye corals. IMO I wouldn't keep a trigger in a reef either, you could get a strawberry pseudochromis, or an eel of some type maybe a SFE or a Zebra those would be nice additions :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Drewsta
ummm you can't put a puffer in a reef tank. Or say bye bye corals. IMO I wouldn't keep a trigger in a reef either, you could get a strawberry pseudochromis, or an eel of some type maybe a SFE or a Zebra those would be nice additions :thinking:
toby puffers are hit or miss with corals (hermits and snails should be a greater risk). From what I've read the blue throat trigger is the reef safest trigger. My 90 gallon mild reef stocking list is such:
blue hippo tang
gold stripe maroon clown
Foxface lo
blue throat trigger/valentini puffer (not sure which one yet)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Drewsta
You could also do a frogfish

If you want it to eat the Blenny, Clowns and Wrasse, then I guess you could.


I have a Valentini Puffer in my reef and he picked on some corals - but not others. He bothered a Lobo, an open brain, favites, and acans. But leaves candy canes, frogspawn, torch, leathers, palys, zoos, bubble coral alone. So it's definitely a hit and miss. I got rid of the corals he was picking on. He actually swims up to the glass when I come close for a look and stares back at me. The corals don't do that! :jumping:
I have a Bicolor Blenny with my Mombasa Lion and so far everything's been ok. I think as long as the Blenny is large enough it should be ok. It's always hard to predict these things because all fish are different. But the Lion doesn't bother a Purple Pseudochromis, an Exquisite Wrasse, GSM Maroon, Flameback Angel, and a PJ Cardinal in my tank.


Active Member
Thanks for the suggestions.
Today we got a Dwarf Zebra Lion. He's the same size as the Fuzzy Dwarf Lion.
We have a Green Spotted Puffer and a "Freshwater" Moray in a 30 gallon. I've thought about adding them but again, the Puffer and corals... He does have a ton of personallity. Always hanging out in the corner closest to the computer swimming back and forth looking at me. When I started feeding him silversides he didn't know what to do. He has never shown aggression to my eel and I sincerely believe he wouldn't attack his tankmates. However I don't want to find my corals destroyed.
I think a Warty Frogfish is going to be the next addition. I've been wanting a Flame Angel so that's probably likely to happen.