Stocking 75


Any lion other than a Volitan would be OK. A kole tang should work. Smallish puffers (not with lions). You could keep an Undulate by itself. U can keep most wrasses. Anthias.
Personally i would do
- Russells lion
Green wolf eel (actually a psuedochromis)
Harlequin Tusk
Bird Wrasse with excellent filtration and circulation


New Member
Thank you i will probaly do this.
Do u think i could put a grouper (panther) with a lion fish in there ?


Active Member
in that size tank the grouper will outgrow it fast. the lion and grouper should get along.I just purched one myself unfortunatly i didnt check to see tank size requirments for adult first its min 180 long as the fish you keep wont fit in its mouth he should be ok.same with the lion.panther groupers max length is 27.6 inches


Yeah groupers Get REALLY big. The only caution i will give to u about lions is this

Triggers and Puffers are not compatible with lions. They nip them really bad. The exception is Niger, Pinktail, and bluethroat triggers which can all be kept with lions.


New Member
thank you again i didnt know that puffers and triggres werent compatible with lions. Beaces at my lfs they but lions with puffers



Originally posted by SpongeBOd
thank you again i didnt know that puffers and triggres werent compatible with lions. Beaces at my lfs they but lions with puffers

a lot of people do keep lions and puffers together with no problems but You really shouldnt. Puffers do end up nipping at lions fins a lot.


Active Member
I had a puffer and a lion together for well over a yr they seemed to do fine for the longest time but the puffer grew so much faster than the lion the lion just stopped eating due to the puffers eating aggressiveness.I found the lions especially smaller ones tend to be very non agresseve feeders and will just not compete for food.



Originally posted by unleashed
I had a puffer and a lion together for well over a yr they seemed to do fine for the longest time but the puffer grew so much faster than the lion the lion just stopped eating due to the puffers eating aggressiveness.I found the lions especially smaller ones tend to be very non agresseve feeders and will just not compete for food.

yeah lions arent agressive. They are predatory. They eat smaller fish but dont go after fish they cant eat. They are awesome fish though