Stocking 80 gallon


New Member
I am starting up a new aggressive 80 gallon, and i just wanted yall to review my list and let me know how it sounds..
volitan lionfish
Picasso trigger
coral beauty
whitespotted puffer
black edged moray
I am not sure as to what kind of filtration i will be setting up, i was wanting to get a list of fish before deciding on what kind of filtration i will be needing.. thank you :)


Okay, it sounds like you'll need a good protein skimmer and wet/dry filter...
While, you could probably pull it off while they were still realitive small, the coral beauty might be a snack one day for one of it's tankmates. :)


New Member
could i replace the beauty for a naso tang you think? I am planning on adding them all as juveniles , but i will probably go ahead and trade in the beauty for something else in the begening if it becomes a problem... thanks!! :happy:


the nasos get HUGE, for tangs id probably stick with a yellow, or purple, or sailfin or the like. They are really nice too.