stocking a 125 gallon


hello i am planning on getting a 125 gallon the fish that i am planning on getting would be:
-regal tang
-kole tang
-regal angle or emporor angle
-snowflake eel
-niger triger and/or clown triger
-Valentini Puffer (how big do these grow)
-Purple Tang
-Yellow Tang
-Achilles Tang
-Lunare Wrasse
Well i know this way too much fish to keep in a 125 gallon, can u please advise me the fish that would etheir grow out of the tank or cause a problem
thank you
First off... great fish!
I would advise eliminating the yellow and or purple tang. Too small to compete with these other fish. With your list here is what I would add and in what order...
1 Rega/Kole Tang... one or the other
3 Angel-one or other not both
4 Trigger, puffer or wrasse
In #4 you could probably get away with two of the three. That order is key b/c you want to add the more aggressive, bold tempered fish last. That way they are less likely to pick on the others. HTH


instead if the yellow tang and purple tang would i be able to get a powder blue tang?
also would i be able to keep both trigers?
I will most likely get the Imperator Angel allthough i would love to get a regal angel because it is easier to keep.
Two triggers with maybe one other fish would be ok. If you plan on keeping other fish, no. I would go with the niger, clowns get bigger, faster and they are more mean. The niger will be less likely to kill other fish. The tangs, I would be nervous. Triggers might nip at them. I would say one tang, one trigger, one angel and the SFE, and your stocked. Then your out of luck wit the puffer and the wrasse. You just have to pick and choose. I can assure you though the last thing you want is to be overstocked.
What is your filtration? triggers are messy eaters so you will need a good filter.