Stocking A 14 gallon nano...


Over the past, 3+ months I've been establishing what I hope will become a Nano reef, Currently it's home to quite a bit of live rock, inverts, both desirable and not, Down the road I hope to introduce Zoo's, Ricordia maybe, and maybe other more hardy corals.
after a little bit of research I added a Yellow tailed Blue Damsel, they stay small (<3" from what I've read), relatively "peaceful" as far as damsels go, are hardy, and are pretty inexpensive (I was a little apprehensive about adding buying my first fish, eve after cycling the tank months with live rock)
I'm curious what people's opinion is about what else, if anything I can add?
I'd like to add one or two more small fish, but I'm not the pro here, and would like other opinions,
I'd like to keep it to fish below $20 a piece, though who knows If I find something I like enough.
I know I can't keep all of them, (or even half of them) for various reasons, but the fish I'm leaning toward selecting from are,
-Sixline Wrasse
-Firefish Goby
-Purple Pseudochromis
-Scooter Blenny
-Royal Gramma
-Yellow Watchman Shrimpgoby
I know there are issues keeping certain of these fish together with others in the list, Along with keeping them with the damsel, these are just fish I know I can find relatively easily, and fit within my price range.
I'm open to other suggestion for other fish as well.
Any opinions on how these guys would probably interact, and what the best number of fish would be?


Active Member
tank to small for a sixline...Purple Pseudochromis might be a little aggrissive, scooter blenny is not really a beginner fish and need lots of lr, imo u should remove the damsels and do the royal gamma with a yellow watchman would be great...and a fire fish if u like..


It's just one damsel, I was curious about the sixline, I found very differing opinions on minimum tank size for them, There is however plenty of live rock in the tank, and it ran for over 3 months without fish, so there's a surprising amount of microfauna, though of course I'd probably have to supplement with more, I like them, but to be honest I think one would disappear into the lr and never be seen again..
I liked the idea of the Pseudochromis since it'll be with the damsel, figured they'd probably mix well, however, I don't think I'd be able to introduce anything else if I went with one,
As for removing the damsel I actually do like the little guy, and as long as my tank's not too small for him to be happy I'd like to keep him, I love the blue color and it really sticks out.
Anyone think a Firefish would mix with the damsel and maybe the watchman?


Aquaguy is right about the damsel. Its going to be hard to put another fish in the tank with a damsel that has established a territory already. 14 gal is two small. If you add another fish it would get attacked and may die from being over stressed. I have not had any passive damsels I had to take my damsel out of my 75 gal for being aggressive with my other fish. Right now I have a pair of small tomato clowns in my 14 gal nano.


Most of the sources I read before buying the Yellow Tailed Blue Damsel said it was a much less aggressive damsel?
Anyone had any of these guys before?


I have a yellowtail, I tend to not mention him when I give my stock list because they are so hated. I like him alot, he's pretty, he has a great personaility and he behaves himself!
He's in a 55 with a pair of clowns and he was in first and was alone in the tank for about three weeks. I got him once the tank had cycled because I was afraid I was going to kill my first fish and well....he was cheap! He's darted at the clowns on occasion during mealtimes but never taken a nip and the clowns just kind of look at him and move on. I know he can become a jerk when he gets older but for now hes a good little fish and everyone that comes over gets a kick out of him because hes a goofball.
As for other fish I like the firefish as well as the little clown goby (check out the green one!), I think the wrasse would get to big but thats just my opinon I've never had a sixline, the yellow watchman is another great personality fish from what I've seen. What I did when adding the clowns was bought the clowns, fed the damsel and turned off the lights, he went to bed I added the clowns after acclimation and when he woke up they were there and he was fine. Just my experience with the little blue guy


I have a yellowtail damsel and while it is less aggressive than my blue damsels and my four stripe it could still pose a problem because:
it was introduced first and established territory and firefish and other nano fish are usually much less aggressive. I'm sure the sixline could hold his own if the tank was bigger. But there isn't really absolutes I've heard of people doing crazy things and their fish being fine. You can give it a shot but the 4 dollar damsel killing a 18 fish may piss you off if it happens. Good luck.


One more piece of advise! Re scape your tank to make the damsel have to set up a new territory, he'll be busy with that and shouldn't mess with the new guys. BUT watch him very close if he is messing with the other fish then my advise is pull him and get rid of him. Mine stays in the tank because he behaves, if that changes then he's out and back to the fish store with him, but as long as hes behaving I do like the little guy and want to keep him.


Thanks for all the suggestions, I'd honestly hate to have to Re scape my live rock, It took me the better part of the night I added it to get it how I like it... But I might be able to just play a bit of it without tearing it all down.
I honestly really do Like the little damsel, And while I understand why they can be disliked, there really cool fish themselves, attractive and very active aswell.
He's definitely still on the shy side, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time till the tank is "his"
Any opinions on adding the Pseudochromis?
From what I've read they sure can hold there own, think they would eventually establish "boundaries" or would it just become a constant battle royale till one of them perished?
I like the Green Clown Gobys, they just seem a bit on the small side for being in there with the damsel..
on the topic of very small fish, Anyone think a damsel may leave a Neon goby alone since there a cleaner fish?
as for the damsel killing fish, I'd hate to lose a $15 plus fish, but its still in that range that i'd probably feel worse that A fish I took under my care died cause I wanted my tank to look prettier then I would that I lost $15 bucks...


On the rescape just move a few things around wait a few days and move them back. It's just to kind of distract the residents from defending their favorite rocks from the new comers is all.
About the Pseudochromis do you plan on shrimp in your tank, if so then I would say bad idea as they can make them into sushi if they feel so inclined
If you're not planning on the shrimp I'd say give it a shot, add him at night after the lights go off and &#37;% all might be great and if not grab a net and take out the one causing the trouble. That's my rule I want a peaceful tank so the trouble maker goes even if he's been there longer....may go to the QT tank till he calms down or maybe to the fish store guess it depends on the fish!
You know you may want to take a peak at the flame hawkfish if you're not planning shrimp as they are amazing to watch.


This was taken with a Cell phone camera, So its small and rather poor quality, But here's a picture of the tank, the fish is hiding, which it has decided is its favorite game to play..


Those flame hawkfish do look very cool, but I do have a few snails and hermit crabs, and was thinking I may want some type of shrimp, (really wanted a coral Banded till I realized the tank was too small) and it looks like the Flame Hawkfish will eat hermits and snails as well as shrimp?
I could forgo the shrimp for the Pseudochromis, But I think If I were to spend $30 on a fish I'd probably want a Indigo Dottyback over the flame Hawkfish.
Any Idea if Pseudochromis eat hermits and snails?
Also any Idea How A Ocellaris Clown may work out with a Yellow Tailed Blue Damsel?
They get about the same size right?, And most clowns I'd think wouldn't be pushed around by a damsel, But (correct me if I'm wrong) Ocellaris tend to be less territorial then most other clowns?..
Originally I had planned to get a pair of Ocellaris as the only fish in the tank, but Was told The tank was not big enough/wanted a bit more variety.
Know I'm jumping around between Different fish quite a bit, But I'd like to have everything decided before I buy anything else.


To my knowledge hawks don't care about snail/crabs just shrimp...the other I just don't know I've not researched much on Pseudochromis I would guess they are the same and will just go after your shrimp. Most all basslets will take out a shrimp if so inclined so I'd avoid basslets with shrimp.
My clowns do fine with the damsel, they are false percs but don't think there would be a difference. My clowns and the damsel spend most of their day together all gathered on one side of the tank or the other. Wherever the darker of my two clowns goes the lighter clown and blue follow the only time hes not with the them is bedtime....only at dinner time will the damsel sometimes try to be pushy but the clowns ignore it so he gets over it fast. I would guess you would be fine, but again I say you have to watch the damsel for any signs of aggression and be ready to yank him outta there. But as long as your tank has lots of caves, hidey holes I wouldn't be to worried.


False Percula Clownfish=Amphiprion ocellaris, Ocellaris Clownfish.
Gets a bit confusing with all the different names you see for them, but there one and the same.
I'm also just as curious about if 14 gallons will be enough space for the clown and the damsel, both territory and bio load.
I'd also like maybe one more small fish, any opinions on if thats pushing the small tank too far?


I think it would be ok with a very small third fish but it depends on your filtration, live rock, CUC, etc. I'd put the two in and watch for a few weeks check your levels etc and then go from there.
As for my clowns I have no idea what they are
my kid picked out two fish in opposite corners of the fish store and I paid for them. Never asked what they were but no that I think of it one of the tanks said ORA raised, another said false perc $13.99 and I paid double that per fish so who knows!
No biggy they are cute, healthy and my daughter loves them AND whatever they are they get on with the damsel so far


Thanks for all the opinions everyone, I'm currently out of town visiting relatives in California, But when I get back if all is well (have a friend watching everything at home) I'm going to go ahead and add a Ocellaris Clown.
I'm going to give those two quite a bit of time before I think about adding anything else...
AS for the fish, if both clowns look alike, you may have bought one ORA raised captive bred fish, and one possible wild caught clown, who knows?
If your confused at all what you have I'm sure someone here could give you an idea if you posted a picture?