Over the past, 3+ months I've been establishing what I hope will become a Nano reef, Currently it's home to quite a bit of live rock, inverts, both desirable and not, Down the road I hope to introduce Zoo's, Ricordia maybe, and maybe other more hardy corals.
after a little bit of research I added a Yellow tailed Blue Damsel, they stay small (<3" from what I've read), relatively "peaceful" as far as damsels go, are hardy, and are pretty inexpensive (I was a little apprehensive about adding buying my first fish, eve after cycling the tank months with live rock)
I'm curious what people's opinion is about what else, if anything I can add?
I'd like to add one or two more small fish, but I'm not the pro here, and would like other opinions,
I'd like to keep it to fish below $20 a piece, though who knows If I find something I like enough.
I know I can't keep all of them, (or even half of them) for various reasons, but the fish I'm leaning toward selecting from are,
-Sixline Wrasse
-Firefish Goby
-Purple Pseudochromis
-Scooter Blenny
-Royal Gramma
-Yellow Watchman Shrimpgoby
I know there are issues keeping certain of these fish together with others in the list, Along with keeping them with the damsel, these are just fish I know I can find relatively easily, and fit within my price range.
I'm open to other suggestion for other fish as well.
Any opinions on how these guys would probably interact, and what the best number of fish would be?
after a little bit of research I added a Yellow tailed Blue Damsel, they stay small (<3" from what I've read), relatively "peaceful" as far as damsels go, are hardy, and are pretty inexpensive (I was a little apprehensive about adding buying my first fish, eve after cycling the tank months with live rock)
I'm curious what people's opinion is about what else, if anything I can add?
I'd like to add one or two more small fish, but I'm not the pro here, and would like other opinions,
I'd like to keep it to fish below $20 a piece, though who knows If I find something I like enough.
I know I can't keep all of them, (or even half of them) for various reasons, but the fish I'm leaning toward selecting from are,
-Sixline Wrasse
-Firefish Goby
-Purple Pseudochromis
-Scooter Blenny
-Royal Gramma
-Yellow Watchman Shrimpgoby
I know there are issues keeping certain of these fish together with others in the list, Along with keeping them with the damsel, these are just fish I know I can find relatively easily, and fit within my price range.
I'm open to other suggestion for other fish as well.
Any opinions on how these guys would probably interact, and what the best number of fish would be?