stocking a 175 gal.

joe 09

i have a 175 gal. bow,amiracle 400 trickle filter(rated 300 gal),dolphin 2000 pump,aqua c urchin pro skimmer.the fish i have are.2 bl/gn chromis,3 fire gobies,2 eng.gobies,ocellaris clown,neon dottyback,fox face,coral beauty,yel tang,sm. sailfin tang,lunare wresse,passer angel,lemark angel,swallowangel,2 picasso water is perfect.tank is 8 mos.old ,i was looking forone more fish.thanks in advance for any help.
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Active Member
Any particular reason you needed all that space? :notsure:
What kind of fish do you like and we'll tell you yes and now.
I'll tell you that the triggers are going to limit what you put in there.