Stocking a 24 gal


here is my list
2 perc clowns
1 watchman goby
1 mandarin goby (dont know if it will work)
1 royal gramma
this would be my first sw tank and i dont really know what will go with what so... any opinions would be nice? Oh and 20 lbs of live sand and 24 pound of live rock.


Active Member
two clowns....yes.
watchman goby....yes. i would suggest getting pistol shrimp. the pistol shrimp will dig a burrow where they will live. interesting to watch, this is called a sembotic pair. I'm sure i miss spelled that.
royal gamma....yes
as for the mandarin, most will agree a nano is too small of a tank. They will also say that then need over 100 or 150 pounds of live rock. mostly they will only eat microfauna. and the tank should be at least a year old.
But, if a younger fish is bought you may be able to get it to eat prepared foods. but its highly unlikely that most people can do it.


lol ok but so i should get the shrimp and the fish im confused and will it be safe for anything i put in their such as plants and stuff?


Active Member
get a cleaner shrimp. They don't hide all day like some other shrimp and they don't destroy anything. I have 2 in my 12g and i love them..
2 perc clowns
1 watchman goby
1 royal gramma
Sounds like a good list, just dont add everything at once. I would add the clowns together and after everything else has been added.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SeR_Cyclops
what about the clean up crew should i just order the one they sell for nanos off this site?
Looks like a decent cleanup crew.