Stocking a 29 gallon biocube???


New Member
I have a coralife 29 gallon biocube. Coralife protein skimmer, heater, 20lbs base rock, 10lbs live rock, 2" live sb, intank media basket with filter floss, purigen, chemi pure elite. Right now I have 5 astrea snails, 5 dwarf ceriths, 5 dwarf blue legged crabs, and a porcelain crab. As for fish I have a yellow rose goby/candy stripe pistol shrimp and a yellow clown goby. I am wanting to get another small fish (max size 2in). I want something that is active and not going to hide all the time. Anyone have any suggestions?? In the future I would like to add 2 false clowns. Are clowns more aggressive if there is two of them. Would that be too many fish? Would it be better to just get one false clown??


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by eveningstar15 http:///t/396264/stocking-a-29-gallon-biocube#post_3530142
I have a coralife 29 gallon biocube. Coralife protein skimmer, heater, 20lbs base rock, 10lbs live rock, 2" live sb, intank media basket with filter floss, purigen, chemi pure elite. Right now I have 5 astrea snails, 5 dwarf ceriths, 5 dwarf blue legged crabs, and a porcelain crab. As for fish I have a yellow rose goby/candy stripe pistol shrimp and a yellow clown goby. I am wanting to get another small fish (max size 2in). I want something that is active and not going to hide all the time. Anyone have any suggestions?? In the future I would like to add 2 false clowns. Are clowns more aggressive if there is two of them. Would that be too many fish? Would it be better to just get one false clown??
I think your system could handle a nice dwarf angelfish, they are super colorful and very active, swimming in and out of the rocks and nipping algae as they go. They do get to be about 3.5 to 4inches when mature, but it shouldn't be too much of a bio-load increase. They are happy in a 30g tank, but like I mentioned, they need plenty of rock work, and a few caves to go in and through would be ideal.
A Royal Gramma or an Orchid Dottyback would be another nice choice, if you don't want a dwarf angel, and they only reach about 3 inches.


Some options:
Royal gramma
Fairy or flasher wrasse (tons to choose from)
Dwarf angel ( African flame back would be one of the smaller ones)
Clowns are hit or miss. Some are just more aggressive than others, and I haven't noticed a change in whether they're paired or not.