Stocking a 29gal.


I have a 29 gal tank that has been set up in my office for two years. I have a Maroon clown, a blue damsel, and a redlip blennie. I aslo have a few snails, blue legged hermits and two emerald crabs. My question is will it be ok to add one more fish?? If so what would be a good fish to put in that would get along with the rest???


That blue damsel is going to attack anything new you add. The clown might get into as well since maroons are one of the more aggresive ones.


If you are looking to add something into your tank, add a couple of cleaner shrimps or fire/blood shrimps. They are awesome and they don't really add much to your bioload. If you are looking to add another fish, like Technik said there, the damsel and the clown may attack newcomers.