stocking a 45


New Member
Hi everyone, Im not really new to this site, just been away at college, I sold my reef tank 2 years ago and am getting back into the hobby...I also forgot what my screen name used to be so...

well, i am starting my 45 back up after a live stock wipeout, thanks to internal parasites from a toby from *****.
so i drained the tank, left dry for a few months (college budget)
and now have a cycled tank aproximatly 2 months old
LS= 1" bed
LR= 10 lbs
10lbs base rock
confirmed critters= 1 wittnesed amphiood
1 peanut worm maybe 1" long
so im looking to stock my 45g fowlr
flame angel, though i only have experience with pygmy angel suggestions please
hawaii blue toby
some clown fish
perhapse a gorgonian and sponge when its more established
any suggestions would be appreciated


flame angels, while small, are still angels, and won't do in a reef aquarium, as they'll pick on your inverts and corals. They also are agressive toward other fish that are similarly colored, so i wouldn't risk putting it in the same tank as clownfish.
As for the toby, i found much information indicating they're agressive and will eat any inverts in the tank, and are not reef-compatible.
Clowns are a great choice!!!


New Member
thanks for the reply, but im not making a reef tank,
its going to be a 45 fowlr
looking for good fish combo
as for the inverts (sponge/gorgonian) i was just "fishing" for info


New Member
hey sorry, had a bad day...
i re read your post, thanks for awnsering my question, about the flame/clown
my origional post was a bit wishywashy...
anyway ill re post better (more clear) questions
there for i will flame my self

once again thanks


Flames will do FINE with clowns...everyone does flames with clowns! And most of the time they ARE reef safe...however, on occasion you will get the oddball that does eat coral-so really they're hit and miss...I'd get one though since your doing a FOWLR!