Stocking a 5.5g tank


Active Member
I am going to be starting a 5 1/2 gallon tank here in the near future. 10+ lbs. of LR and most likely 28w light (starting with 18w). What are some fish options? I was thinking clown goby or if I could get away with it, a pair of neon gobies.
What do you all think?


Active Member
All that live rock displaces water and swimming space, so I'd say 2 of any fish is out of the question for you.
I'd say some of the really tiny fish, such as a yellow watchman, maybe one of the tiny pseudochromis such as the purple, etc, or a firefish.
Another option is to go no fish. You could easily put a pair of cleaner shrimp in there that will provide for a nice display. If they are the only livestock, they'll spawn and you *might* get surviving fry.


Active Member
I had a yellow watchman, and it was a lot larger than any neon goby I've ever seen.
2 Cleaner shrimp would look cool.


Active Member
i've seen several watchman's and other small pistolgobies be in 5.5 tanks. I'd put a clown goby + cleaner shrimp + tons of corals.