stocking a 55 gallon


I have a 55 gallon with corals, and I was wondering if this stock list would work?

x1 yellow watchman goby
x2 true percula clownfish
x1 jawfish (I have a 3 inch sandbed)
x3 firefish goby
x3 cleanershrimp
If anything looks like it will not get along, overstocked, or any problem then please tell me, nothing is set in stone yet.
Thanks, Luke
I think your stock list looks okay, you might want to add a foxface for algae help in your tank. Most of the time they will eat bubble algae and hair algae. They are very useful and colorful fish without having to have as much space to swim as fish like tangs do. Good Luck!
I have done research on these and it seems to vary. The Foxfaces I have had in my tanks don't seem to need swimming room like tangs, but the smallest tank I have is a 65. Feelings seem to be mixed on tank size in my books between 55-75, so 55 may be pushing it. They do sting and very badly if you touch them. They seem to stress when you are in the tank so they usually hide so I have never had a problem with it.


Active Member
I'm getting a mini foxface for my 55 soon
2 clowns
Yellow Watchman
Dwarf Angel
and If i can one more small/med fish


Active Member
Your stock list is fine and another fish could certainly be added. You could consider a wrasse or the foxface would also be good, except you have yellow in the watchman goby.
I have a small foxface in my 65g. He seems very happy. They do get big but I plan to upgrade to a significantly larger tank in a year or so. So consider how long you will have that tank and any future upgrade plans before you get a foxface.


Active Member
Looks good. My only question would be the 3 firefish. I was told to add them as a pair as 3 will end up having 2 beat up on the 3rd. Note that I don't know for sure, but wanted to offer that.
BTW, I have a pair of purple firefish in my 55g and they are never apart.
Originally Posted by lmoore2150
They are sold in trios at my LFS
and I love them.
What kind of wrass?
dpends, how much do you want to spend. i personally love mystery wrasses and filamented flasher wrasse. look at the different ones that swf and other online stores have and see if you like one.