Stocking a 75g FOWLR


New Member
I'm thinking of doing a 75 gallon FOWLR. About 110 lbs. live rock, about a 2" sand bed, and a good sump and skimmer. I was wondering what you guys thought of my stocking ideas so far:
X1 Kole Tang
X1 Heniochus Butterfly
X1 Coral Beauty Angel
X1 Valentini Puffer
X1 Tomato Clownfish
X1 Tiger Watchman Goby (or similar)
X3 Blue/Green Chromis
I wad originally thinking of adding a Bluethroat Trigger, instead of the Puffer, but I just don't think that would work, for a number of reasons.
What do you all think of my list? Is it a bit crowded or about right? Also, what inverts would I be able to keep?
Thank you!

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by OceanicThunder http:///t/394979/stocking-a-75g-fowlr#post_3515822
I'm thinking of doing a 75 gallon FOWLR. About 110 lbs. live rock, about a 2" sand bed, and a good sump and skimmer. I was wondering what you guys thought of my stocking ideas so far:
X1 Kole Tang
X1 Heniochus Butterfly
X1 Coral Beauty Angel last fish added
X1 Valentini Puffer 2nd to last fish
X1 Tomato Clownfish
X1 Tiger Watchman Goby (or similar)
X3 Blue/Green Chromis
I wad originally thinking of adding a Bluethroat Trigger, instead of the Puffer, but I just don't think that would work, for a number of reasons.
What do you all think of my list? Is it a bit crowded or about right? Also, what inverts would I be able to keep? none with puffer or trigger.
Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Hi, Welcome to the site!
I did have a concern with the following that Mr. Limpid didn't mention...I'm not trying to burst your bubble, but you did ask.
Heniochus Butterfly....min tank size is a 125g....those fish get to be around 7 inches and isn't suited for a 75g. I wouldn't purchase a small fish in hope of rehoming it later when it out grows the tank. Nothing is worse then trying to capture a stresses not only the fish, but all of tank mates as well. Most times you have to remove the rock work to get them out. A HUGE pain in the butt, and you never get the rock rebuilt like it was before.
110 pounds of live rock??? With a tank full of rock, where do you expect the fish to swim? I would build my rock with some caves, and only about halfway up the tank. A really rock overloaded tank IMO anyway, has about 1 pound per gallon. So 110lbs is way over doing it.